It is the responsibility of members to:
- have a basic knowledge of the organization and structure of first-second century Roman legion,
- possess the minimum required equipment in order to effectively interact with the public,
- provide the most accurate information possible when quizzed by the public.
Do not hesitate to admit when you do not know the answer to a question or to ask someone
else for assistance.
Dress and Deportment
- Equipment is to be period correct and as functional as materials and cost permit.
- All kit (including weapons and armour) should be inspected for cleanliness and serviceability.
- All clothing will be kept clean and period dress will be adhered to at all times while in public.
- Absolutely no modern day paraphernalia is permitted (i.e., sunglasses, eyeglasses, wrist watches, piercings of any kind, eccentric hair colour, inappropriate visible tattoos, etc.).
Conduct in Public
- Members will be polite and respectful to the public. Remember, we are here to promote our unit, and educate people about
ancient Roman military life. - Members will be courteous and helpful to anyone hosting the legion.
- Encampment areas are to be kept clean. Ensure that upon departure all refuse is removed.
- You are reenacting a Roman soldier. Behave like one. Fun is a key component of reenactment, however, ensure that your performance is within the realms of common sense and safety.
- When the unit is performing a public demonstration all equipment at the base camp will be secured by at least one member or an assistant.
Use of Weapons
- Weapons are not to be handled by the public, under any circumstances.
- Swords and daggers will be secured at all events, excluding parades and combat demos, with a device to ensure that they cannot be removed from their scabbards by unauthorized personnel.
- The use of the warning “Clear” will precede the drawing of weapons in the public or at any events.
- The inappropriate use of weapons will not be tolerated.
Disciplinary Actions for Violations of Weapon Usage
- First Offense: Removal of all weapons for the duration of the event.
- Second Offense: Immediate expulsion from the event, and discharge from the legion.
Care of Equipment
- Steel surfaces must be rust-free and clean. A satin finish is easier to maintain than high polish. Once clean, coat the metal either with oil (3-in-1 oil, general purpose oil, etc.) or other protectant to maintain the finish and prevent rust. It has been suggested that Roman soldiers used Lanolin (you can purchase Anhydrous Lanolin from pharmacists) to waterproof their armour and clothing. You can make your own paste wax from a blend of beeswax and pure turpentine (as recommended by the American Historical Foundation) to coat your sword. Some reenactors resort to Vaseline when their equipment is about to be subjected to rain (but this can be messy).
- Brass must be kept corrosion free; this can be accomplished with a rubbing or polishing compound. Once clean and shining, oil can be applied to maintain the appearance.
- Leather should be treated with a light coat of neatsfoot oil to maintain water resistance and suppleness. Follow the product instructions for application.
- Disciplinary Actions for Violations of Equipment Care:
Non-adherence will result in suspension for an event and/or expulsion/discharge from the legion.
Chain of Command
Members will obey and respect the legion’s Chain of Command when deployed in the field. Do not expect to be ordered to your death, but remember that ranking members are selected based on their knowledge, integrity and leadership ability.
Constructive Criticism
Constructive ideas are always welcome, and this applies to events, kit construction, suppliers, the legion itself, etc.
Membership Enrolment Criteria
The primary requirement for membership is interest. If reenacting is something you would like to do, and are serious about it, then by all means, join up! It requires commitment insofar as acquiring/fabricating your equipment and learning the basics of the Roman army. Legionary kit can run anywhere from one to two thousand dollars Canadian/American depending on whether you construct or purchase what you need. Members must be able to physically perform the role that they portray in a realistic manner.
Age Requirements
Military: The historical legionary recruitment age was 17.
Civilian: Non-combat roles are open to all ages, so long as the participants are attired appropriately and the roles portrayed are realistic/period correct (an 8 year old senator is not credible!).
Legionary Minimum Kit
The minimum kit required for any type of display or public event (excluding field demonstrations) will consist of
- a tunic (white tunica with appropriate clavii, or a red battle tunic if a white one has not been acquired yet),
- sandals (caligae),
- belt (balteus) with a leather apron (cignulum) that hung down in front., and
- dagger (pugio) and/or sword (gladius) with scabbard.
Minimum Kit for Drill for Tactical Demonstrations
The minimum requirements include the aforementioned kit plus:
- a helmet (cassis),
- arming vest (subarmalis),
- armour (lorica segmata, hamata or plumata),
- scarf (focale),
- javelin (pila), and
- shield (scutum).
Remaining 2nd Century Kit Requirements
In order to complete the basic 2nd Century heavy infantry battle kit members must acquire/fabricate
- a cloak (sagum, a heavy cold weather cloak or paenula),
- dagger (pugio),
- arm guard (manica),
- shin guards/greaves (ocreae)
Cold weather demonstrations may require additional items.
Optional Legionary Equipment
Refer to the list found on the equipment page.
For non-military roles the appropriate period correct tunic and sandals are required.